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Friday, November 2, 2012

Will You Buy £170k Crazy Looking Roller

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Rolls Royce can be the dream if you are fan insanely expensive rides but sometimes this dream can be little more crazy. This Rolls Royce Phantom owner may have enough money to buy the iconic car - but there are some grave doubts about his taste.

Maybe he was colour blind, because clearly he could not make up his mind which hue he preferred.

So, since he could afford it, he decided to indulge a varied palette including white, purple and yellow on the outside.

There's more of a colour clash inside the car with its deep pink steering wheel and seats, an orange and purple-coloured fascia topped off with cream carpets.

The average price of a Phantom is £170,000 - but if he ever sells this, he might want to include a pair of dark glasses. And maybe some sick bags.

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